How To Create a Brush with PSP

I believe that playing with PSP should be fun and not stressful, so I try to have
plenty of screenshots for each step. Have you ever started a tut and you're going along,
at a nice steady pace, when all of a sudden they tell you to do something, but you have
no idea how to do it? Yep! Me too! LOL!

If I leave out something important, please let me know.
This is all about having fun and I'm hoping that just maybe, you'll have so much
fun that playing with PSP will become a new hobby for you.
Let's go ahead and open our PSP and get ready to create your first brush.
This is a brush using words, not pictures.

You can use your favorite quote, a popular saying, or even words from a song :-)

If you have any questions or requests please e-mail me here:  

Step 1
Click on File and New Image 300x300 with a transparent background
The size can be smaller or larger depending on how large your quote is.

Your Foreground/Background colors should be Black.

Choose a font that you like. Some people use a fancy script font for the first letter.
I'm trying to keep it simple so we'll use the same font for the entire quote.

Step 2 
Sometimes, you end up with too much room left over.
If this happens to you, it's easy to crop your Brush. Click on your Crop Tool.
It looks like this:   

Don't be afraid of the Crop Tool.
If you make a mistake you can always click on the curved arrow and start over. 

Start a little above your text and drag the tool until you have a small amount
of space all the way around your text.

When you are ready to crop your text click on the Checkmark icon. 

If you are happy with the way it looks, click on Image, scroll down and click on Greyscale.  

Step 3
To Save the Brush you just created, click on the Paint Brush Tool and go up to your
toolbar sitting at the top. Click inside that little box showing all of your brushes. 
This is what it looks like:


Now you can see all of your available brushes.
At the very bottom, on the right hand side, you will see a small paint brush icon.
If you run your cursor over this icon it should say something like
"Create brush tip from selection".
Now, click on the paintbrush icon. 

Step 4
We're almost there. Once you click on the paintbrush icon this panel appears.
The "Save Variance" box is checked here, because I had already made a Brush using this name.
With your first Brush, the "Save Variance" box will not be checked. Click OK. 

 Now your Brush has been saved. That's all there is to it.

Here is what my Brush looks like when I use a Gold Fill for the Foreground.



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