Changing the Color of a Background


It's been quite a while since I wrote a Tutorial so please bear 

with me. I'm a bit rusty.

Changing the color of a background without distorting the texture

is relatively easy with PSP 9 and can be done by clicking on the 

Adjust Tab on your top toolbar. 

There you will find two options.

You can use Hue and Saturation, or Manual Color Correction. 

Let's start with this beige blank. I chose beige because it's neutral. 

What if you want to change it to light pink or mauve? 

For the Hue and Saturation method you will need the H and S 

numbers for your color.

Go to your Color Palette and find the H and S numbers for the 

color you've chosen.

Here it shows the H and S numbers are both 255.

For the Hue and Saturation method you will need to click on your 

Adjust Tab -->Hue and Saturation-->Colorize

This part can be both tricky and tedious, depending on the original color of 

your background. 

Here is what happened to the beige background with those H and S numbers.

But what if you decide that an aquamarine is the look you're going for now?

The Hue and Saturation method is not an exact science
and can prove to be frustrating when you're trying
to get that perfect shade of chartreuse.

But the second method, Manual Color Correction can be equally frustrating.

Go to your Adjust Tab and choose: 

Color Balance-->Manual Color Correction

When you open the Manual Color Correction panel
this is what you will see.
To change the color of your background you will
have the Source (original) and the Target.

You will need to have a background or picture 
to choose your Source and Target colors.

I am using the Pink background that I made
for the Target.

Click Inside the Source (original) and then your

Now click Inside the Target and the image
you want the color to be.

I hope this little on-the-fly tutorial is helpful.

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